What are Boosted Listings and how can I manage them?


What do Boosted Listings do?

Boosted Listings is a new, optional tool to help you reach more buyers by promoting or ‘boosting’ your listings to a wider audience in search. When you boost an item, it will be placed in one of the dedicated boosted tiles in the search results page. Your standard listing will also appear in the search results. As a result, Boosted Listings will increase your chances of selling.

Boosted listings will appear in search based on the relevance of what users are searching.  They will be tagged with a boosted icon to help them stand out alongside organic listings in search. 



What counts as a Boosted Listings' sale? 

If a user views, clicks or likes your boosted listing and buys it within a 28-day period, then we attribute this as a ‘sale via a boosted listing’. This is a standard attribution period when it comes to online marketplaces to capture user actions.


You can see if your sale was through a boosted listing or organic by going to the Payments tab in your selling hub and tapping on your latest transactions to see your receipts. 


Remember – you’ll only pay a boosting fee if your item sells via the boosted tile in search.
If a buyer views, clicks or likes your boosted listing your item organically via search, on your shop or through another channel (i.e the Homepage), and then goes on to purchase your item because of this organic placement, then you will not be charged a boosted listing fee. 



How do stats work? 

When you boost a listing, your listing may appear in search results either as a boosted listing tagged with a ‘boosted’ icon or as an organic listing. Your listing may also appear as an organic listing across other parts of the app, for example on the homepage.


With boosted listings stats, you’ll be able to view the total number of clicks your listing has received since the time of boosting. This number includes both organic and boosted clicks. 


A  “view” means your item has been seen in search results or on another part of the app or web. So if one user has seen your item as a boosted listing, and one user has seen it organically in search results, the total view count on that boosted listing will be two. The user doesn’t need to have clicked into your boosted listing for it to count as a view. 


On the other hand, a “click” means a user has clicked into your boosted listing from search results, either as a boosted listing tagged with a ‘boosted’ icon or as an organic listing.

You will also see the percentage increase in the total number of clicks on your listing as a result of boosting (“+% from boosting”). This is calculated by comparing boosted clicks to organic clicks from the time you boost your listing. For example:

  • If you received 100 clicks on your boosted listing and 80 clicks on the organic version of the same listing since the item was boosted, the percentage increase shown will be “+125% from boosting”. This means that your item received 125% more clicks since the time of boosting than if you hadn’t boosted your item.
  • If the percentage shown is “100% from boosting” (not “+100% from boosting”), this means that 100% of the clicks your listing received were on your boosted listing and there were no organic clicks on the item since the item was boosted. 
  • If your boosted listing has received no clicks, then you will not see any percentage increase alongside the total number of clicks shown. This means that 100% of the total number of clicks shown were organic clicks.


How do I stop boosting my listings?

Go to ‘Boost listings’ in your selling hub. Swipe left on the boosted listings and tap ‘Unboost’ to remove them. Boosted Listings is also be available on web, where you can un-boost up to 99 items at once.


If you unboost your listing, you will be unable to view the boosted listings stats. You would need to boost your item again to view the performance of your boosted listings. You will only be able to view boosted listing stats relating to your listing’s performance since the most recent time of boosting. You will be unable to view historic boosted listing stats relating to the time before you unboosted your listing. 



Why are my boosted items receiving a low number of clicks? 

If your item isn’t receiving as many clicks as you’d hoped, buyers may be seeing your item in search results, but not clicking on it.

To improve the quality of your listing and increase your chances of a buyer clicking on your item, follow these useful guidelines:

-   Use High-quality photos: Using high-quality photos can be a factor in whether a buyer clicks on your item. Upload 4 photos taken from several angles, making sure to show any flaws or clear signs of wear. 

-   Write accurate descriptions: Start with a headline that summarises your item, then add any relevant item information including the material, measurements and item condition, making sure to include details of any flaws or clear signs of wear. If you want to add any reasons to buy from you – like bundle discounts, offers or shipping methods – make sure you add these at the end of your description.

-   Get specific: Relevant information helps display your items to the right buyers, so make sure you get specific (where relevant) with your listings, adding information such as tags, colours, condition, brand, source, age. 

Find more pro tips here and info on how search and ranking works at Depop here.




Where can I view the performance of my boosted listings?

Once you’ve boosted a listing, you can see a breakdown of the performance by clicking into the listing.

This will show the total number of views and the total number of clicks on your boosted listing, and the '+% from boosting' shows the percentage increase in the total number of views or clicks by comparing boosted views to organic views and boosted clicks to organic clicks since the time of boosting.




Why can I only see boosted clicks, and not my boosted views?

We're currently testing showing sellers their boosted views so not all sellers can see them. If you don't see the feature currently, hold tight – we'll be releasing it to everyone soon.



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