Abuse, Bullying and Harassment Policy

We work hard to keep Depop a safe space for users to buy & sell unique fashion and do not allow users to engage in abuse, bullying or harassment.

Depop will act on any abuse, bullying or harassment that contravenes our Community Guidelines to protect the safety of our community. This includes abusive content shared in messages, comments or listings, or behaviour that harasses, bullies, intimidates or threatens others.

Prohibited behaviour includes, but is not limited to:

Sending abusive comments or messages to other users

  • Swearing directly at others
  • Name-calling
  • Sending insults
  • Sending rude, aggressive, vulgar or derogatory comments or messages

Harassing or bullying other users

  • Sending repeated, unwanted messages or comments
  • Repeatedly insulting or name-calling others
  • Encouraging others to harass or bully a user
  • Doxxing or encouraging others to dox (sharing, publishing or otherwise distributing personal, private or identifying information about another person, including photographs)

Threats & incitement of violence

  • Making threats of violence or harm
  • Inciting, endorsing or encouraging violence or harm
  • Threatening to visit another user’s address due to a dispute or disagreement, including implied threats
  • Intimidating another user
  • Threatening to release personal information or private photographs
  • Blackmail

Call-outs or “name and shaming”

  • Posting listings on the app to name-and-shame other users for any reason
  • Sending messages or comments to users on the platform calling out or name-and-shaming other users

Class or income shaming

  • Abusing or making fun of others because of or in relation to their income level

Hate speech & discriminatory behaviour

  • Any content, including messages, comments or listings, that breaks our Hate Speech & Discrimination policy

If you have encountered content or behaviour which you believe breaks our Abuse, Bullying & Harassment policy on the app, please let us know by reporting the item or user through the app. We’ll investigate and take action in accordance with this policy.

To learn about how we moderate content at Depop, click here for more information. 

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