Why has my item been removed?

If we remove one of your listings, we will send you an email to let you know.

We may remove an item because it falls under our Prohibited and Restricted Items list or because it somehow infringes our rules.

Most commonly, the item removed is:

  • a counterfeit or replica item
  • used cosmetics
  • an item that was not in your possession
  • a spam post, or an item described using irrelevant hashtags
  • an offensive or slanderous post
  • an image that didn’t belong to you
  • a post promoting sales outside of Depop. For example, a post where you ask to be paid with methods outside of Depop such as bank transfer, cash or direct PayPal transfer.

Please do not re-list any item that falls into our Prohibited and Restricted Items List. Make sure you read and follow our etiquette and our rules on being paid on Depop, or your profile may be permanently suspended for the infringement of our Terms of Service.

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