If you purchased your item/s using Depop Payments, and you are based in the UK or US, then you are fully covered by Depop Protection for Buyers (terms and eligibility criteria apply).
What happens now?
If your item is significantly not as described or you are missing items from your bundle, report this to our Support team and we'll review the situation to reach a resolution. Note: Depop’s decision over item not as described disputes is final.
- To report this through the app:
Tap >
> Need Help? > Buying > My Purchase > Then select your purchase and the relevant issue
- If you're struggling to report this to us through the app reach out to our Support team
- We'll need you to send over photos of the item/s you received so we can handle the dispute
If we verify that the item/s you received are incomplete or significantly not as described, then we will facilitate a return, partial refund or organise a resolution with the seller, at our discretion, in accordance with our Terms of Service.
Remember to:
- Take detailed photos of any item flaws or that highlights the issues, this will help us to investigate and document any items you received.
- Keep hold of your item/s. If a return is arranged you will be expected to return your item/s to the seller in order receive your refund, within a 7 day return time frame. (If you are unable to meet this return window or return the item/s we may not be able to proceed with a refund)
- You must use tracked shipping to return your purchase
- Keep your proof of shipping receipt so we can refund you for the return costs and then process a refund for the item once it shows as delivered back with the seller.