You can now download your sales including fees, shipping, and taxes, from our website.
To download your sales:
1. Login to
2. Head to your Selling Hub via the Sell icon in the top-right corner, and then select Stats which will be displayed on the left-hand side
3. Click 'Download sales' in the top right
4. Select the dates of the sales you want to download (up to 3 months at a time)
5. Click download
You'll need to be on a laptop or desktop computer to see this option.
What's in the download?
The download contains all the information on your in app receipt. For each sale you'll be able to see: the date of sale, buyer username, item description, quantity, pricing, fee and shipping info.
How do I use the download?
The download is in a format called CSV. Don't worry if you haven't used one of these before, it's really easy to copy it into excel, google sheets or notes.
If you're using a mac, download the file and your laptop will automatically open it in numbers. From there you can copy to google sheets or excel if needs be.
How do I get the download into google sheets?
1. Download your sales
2. Log in to google drive and open a new google sheet
3. Go to file > import
4. Click on upload
5. Select the download and open