When listing on Depop, you may see a suggested price range for your item. This suggested price range is intended to act as a guide to help you to price your item based on similar items that have sold on Depop previously. You are not required to price your item within the suggested price range and you have, at all times, total discretion to set prices.
The suggested price range is generated by a machine learning model which has been trained on items sold on Depop between 1st January 2022 and 31 March 2023. The model uses this data and the gender, product type, brand and condition that you select when listing your item to predict a price range for your item, based on items with matching attributes that have sold on Depop.
Now for the technical part…
The suggested price scale shows the 5th to 95th and 25th to 75th percentile ranges of the predicted selling prices generated by our machine learning model. In the example above, the price shown at the left hand of the scale above, labelled “Min”, represents the 5th percentile and the price shown at the right hand of the scale, labelled “Max”, represents the 95th percentile. The 25th to 75th percentile range is represented by the prices shown under the green line. This gives an indication of the amount that similar items have sold for on Depop.
Now for the really technical part…
A percentile is a value on a scale of 100 that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it. In the example above, £20 is the 25th percentile, meaning that £20 would be a higher price than 25% of the predicted sale prices of similar items. £35 is the 75th percentile, meaning that £35 would be a higher price than 75% of the predicted sale prices of similar items.
The aim of the pre-listing pricing inspiration tool is to provide you with meaningful price suggestions. For that reason, we will not show the pricing range:
- If there is less than a 20% difference between the predicted 25th percentile sale price and the 75th percentile sale price. For example, if the 25th percentile predicted sale price is £10 and the 75th percentile predicted sale price is £11, there is a 10% difference, so we would not display the scale in these circumstances.
- If there is more than a 150% difference between the 25th percentile predicted sale price and the 75th percentile predicted sale price. For example, if the 25th percentile predicted sale price is £50 and the 75th percentile predicted sale price is £130, there is a 160% difference, so we would not display the scale in these circumstances.
Important bits:
- The pre-listing pricing inspiration tool is a guide only, to improve the likelihood of a sale by illustrating the sold prices of similar items on Depop. As mentioned above, sellers are not required to price their item within the suggested price range and have, at all times, total discretion to set prices.
- Depop gives no assurance or guarantee that pricing your item within the suggested price range will result in a sale.
- The suggested price range shown is based upon the gender, brand, condition and category of sold items as tagged by Depop sellers in the listing flow. Depop does not verify the accuracy of item attributes.