Seller Misrepresentation Policy

We work hard to keep Depop a safe space for users to buy & sell unique fashion, and do not allow sellers to misrepresent items as vintage, sustainable, ethically produced or handmade.

It’s important that all items on Depop are described accurately to enable buyers to make informed decisions about the types of items they are purchasing. In order to make your listing as transparent as possible, we strongly recommend disclosing the brand or source of your items within the item listing, images or description. 

Obscuring the provenance of your items or providing misleading or inaccurate information in the description or brand section is not allowed on Depop. 

Prohibited content and behaviour includes:

  • Misrepresenting recently mass produced items as “vintage” 
  • Misrepresenting items as sustainable or ethically produced without credible third party evidence
  • Misrepresenting mass produced items as “handmade”

If you’ve purchased an item that you believe has been misrepresented by the seller, let us know by reporting the transaction through the app so that we can investigate and act on content that violates this policy. If you receive an item that is significantly not as described, you’ll get a full refund if you report the issue to us within 30 days of the date of purchase under our Depop Protection policy.

For more information, check out our Dropshipping Policy and Social and environmental expectations for sellers using third parties to manufacture items

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